The new design of TCC THE CARECUT is not only elegant, but also extremely comfortable. These new scissors are amazing in that they are suitable for all cutting techniques and can be used without special training. The scissors are ergonomically balanced, so you won't feel any tension when cutting. They also have a high-quality blade and a light heat that adjusts automatically for long-lasting hair scalp closure.
When cutting with these scissors, the moisture level in the hair is maintained and especially in the hair bark, the hair is not dehydrated, so environmental factors cannot damage the hair structure so easily. The haircut is also suitable for colored or chemically combed hair.
TCC eliminates the main problem of long hair, so hair does not continue to dry out or branch. Closing the ends of the hair prevents thinning hair for a long time and reduces hair loss. The ends of the hair become soft and strong.
Hair closure reduces brittleness and hair breakage. Hair will grow faster and be healthier. The client will feel that fresh feeling just out of the salon for a few more weeks.
These scissors are suitable for all haircuts, from tip shortening to model sliding haircuts. These are professional scissors that are suitable for all cutting methods that are as easy to use as any other scissors.
Power and control unit with cable
Temperature regulator from 100 ° C to 140 ° C for thin hair, normal hair and thick hair.
Silicone thermal mat
The key to adjustment, oil.
The product is intended only for professional use in beauty cabinets and salons.